Friday, November 27, 2009

You can view video of the start of "It's A Bl**dy Long Way to Nepean" at:

Local MP Phil Koperberg with Blue Mountains Deputy Mayor Cr Janet Mays

On Saturday 28 November 2009 hundreds of Blue Mountains residents concerned about the future of Katoomba Hospital rallied for HEAL's two-day walk down to Nepean Hospital in Penrith. Called "It's a Bl**dy Long Way to Nepean Hospital" the demonstration's aim is to raise awareness about community concerns about the running down of services at Katoomba Hospital, and the fears of some that the state government might at some point close it entirely. It is intended to highlight just how far Blue Mountains residents have been expected to travel for treatment at Nepean, including some widely publicised cases of women in labour, some of whom have given birth by the side of the road on the way down. Among the marchers was 7 month old Adelaide Buttrose whose traumatic birth made the front page of the Sydney Morning Herald and the Gazette after her mother was first turned away by Katoomba Hospital and then sent in an ambulance to Nepean, and almost gave birth on the way down. State Opposition Health Spokesperson Jillian Skinner and local ALP member Phil Koperberg both attended the rally. HEAL organiser and Blue Mountains Deputy Mayor Councillor Janet Mays addressed the rally and led the marchers off on the 53 kilometre walk down to Penrith.

well-capped HEAL supporters

Belle Buttrose with Opposition Health spokesperson Jillian Skinner

Cr Janet Mays with supporters, from left: Leah and Jacob, Ada-Bella and Belle, Steve and Benjamin, Cr Janet Mays, Vanessa and Keira

1 comment:

  1. Blue Mountains LGA covers 27 towns and villages with approx 75000 people. Yet the goverment sees reason to close down a fully functional hospital that can cater for the needs of the people within the BM LGA. I might of missed todays walk but being a resident and user of the BM hospital, I support this worthy cause. Six months ago, my daughter was born at BM Hospital and the praise my "city" family and friends gave our hospital is a testament to the staff and facilities. It needs to remain open for the 75000 locals (approx).
